Tuesday, 25 September 2007


So it begins. Good luck to all for the final exam of the year. And good luck to me, I'll need it. Got to say that I'm not prepared for it. This year, so many things happened. I totally lag in my studies. I don't even know if I'm able to promote. I know a few people who are as slow as me and they're trying their best to meet the criteria to promote. Its sad for people like us. When others aim to excel, we aim to pass. Hopefully the effort that I've put in is enough to get me a decent pass in my subjects. Gp is already screwed i think. Cant afford to screw up the others. Econs on Wednesday, maths and geog on Thursday and physics on Monday an it will all be over. I really don't one to be the one getting retained. If I do then I'll have to spend another year in that yucky school. A school which has lousy food, lousy environment for people like me and I won't be able to graduate with my team mates. ROAR! I hate studying but Singapore is a place where you can't escape from education unless you plan to be poor which i don't plan to be. Someday, I'll make it... Somehow. It may not go smoothly and I may take a longer time then others to succeed but I won't stop until I'm there. Try and try and try and try. Its so tiring.

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