Sunday, 30 December 2007
late entry
The picture on top shows 2 ex leaders standing in front of a group of kids who aspire to be like them. haha. Its basically me and mitch in front of young leaders. We had a camp to put people in tough situations with tough conditions to show their colours and after all that only a few will survive and qualify to lead their peers in school.
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Free day
Ok, today is christmas day. For some its the time to be with their families but for me its a whole day out. I shall start the day by training abit followed by a healthy lunch (not). After lunch, im free to roam till night. So i shall find myself people to go out with and think of the things i ought to do today. Hopefully people would stay at home which means that places such as town will be relatively less crowded. I think I'll go watch "I AM LEGEND" followed by some shopping. If it just so happens that no one wants to go out with me today, then it will be training in the morning, training in the afternoon and training at night. WOOHOOO!!! I think. Yesterday, after spending the whole morning rotting at home, i spent my afternoon on a nice long run followed by some simple exercises and some not-so-simple exercises. I want to row!!! Im looking forward to training. At the last training, i died. I was so slow that i didnt feel like rowing anymore. Could it be fatigue from all that sprinting we had since promos? Or is it simply because i'm not taking care of myself properly. Whatever it is, i need to get rid of it as it's hindering me from improving. I'm already so slow as i am. I cant afford to slow down anymore. For what it's worth, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
I believe i can,
I believe i will,
I believe i know my dreams are real
I believe i can,
I believe i will,
I believe i know my dreams are real
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
So now you may ask how we faired at penang? Well, we won gold for 20 crew men U-18, 10 crew open men, 20 crew mix and 20 crew woman. We lost men open 20 crew. And the difference between the our men 20 crew timing and the 20 crew mixed timing is a mere 2 seconds. If you ask if I'm satisfied with the results, I'd say yes. But somehow, a few people thinks otherwise. Well, considering how weak of a team we are now, I'd say we did ok. But no, some people had to say that we lost terribly which really pisses me off. I mean, we rowed for at least 2-3 races back to back. What do you expect, we humans get exhausted too. And today, to explain why we lost, people had to go blame each other and pointing out each other's weakness. Everyone have their own weaknesses and strengths. Why can't we accept that? If its about a team which do not focus on winning but on the right attitude and character, why do we bother if we win or lose. All that matters is that we give our best in a race, be it a K1 or a dragonboat. Its stupid. We're acting like sad kids who fights with their friends over something. Does it have to be like this after every lost? Call me a superstar but personally i want to improve to win something by myself. So, when it comes to team events, i will give my best but the results will mean nothing to me. When i race, i give everything i have. Its basic respect to your opponents. Holding back would simply means making fun of my opponents which is something i don't do. I also don't understand why we have to be so disappointed at our lost? Why can't we just accept the fact that we lost and look forward to train harder with an open mind? So what if there are teams better than us? If we were to win everything, then, there wouldn't be a point in competing would it? If you say that we lose because we are a team of selfish superstars, then i can say that the team you had are considered selfish too since the juniors you had turned out that way. It simply shows how concern you were of the well being of the team. You're pretty much selfish yourself. Where were you when the team had our problems? Did you even bother to ask about the situation of the team? As far as im concern, you have no right to scold anyone. And please stop using talent as an excuse for being slower than us. I'm sick of it. The reason NJ took me is so that i can contribute to the team by bringing back some medals and doing the school proud. And when i came in, i said that i'd do my best to improve and not be a burden to this team. So now, im working hard to pull my own weight and you're blaming me for being selfish?
I dont know what you want.
I dont know what you want.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Off to penang
Tonight, im going to be on my way to penang for a dragonboat race with the njc canoeing team. Taking a coach there which would most probably be about 10~12 hours. Its gonna be a long ride. Well, time to go. Don't miss me cause I'll be back soon. haha. Hopefully by going for this race, we can convince people who thinks that dragonboating is a dangerous sport to think otherwise. Some teams from singapore have already pulled out in light of the recent cambodia freak accident.
got to go now.
got to go now.
Friday, 30 November 2007
The Athlete
As an athlete, I will not let accidents or other events stop me from carrying on with my sport. Things which happens has its purpose. If something bad happens, we learn from it instead of finding the party to blame. If something good happen, we should work towards that direction. No point running away from something just because something tragic happens. Every sport has its risk and every athlete takes that risk every time they race or even train. If people keep running away, then this world would not run. I mean, things happen, but we can and must keep going forward. Humans learn from their mistakes and do whatever they can to improve themselves to ensure that it does not occur again.
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Training camp
Day 1 started off a bit boring. We started off by trekking around the area near our campsite. Walk and walk and walk and walk and walk. Walked through swamps, marsh areas and along the coastline with our backpacks. After about 2 hours of walking, we came upon a river which led to the open sea. We then took the huge ocean kayaks a.k.a. monster boats. We rowed to a nearby island before taking a short break before continuing our journey to another island which is about one and a half hour apart. Over at the island, we cooked our food, sat around the fire, and taking a break before returning back to our campsite. Over at the island, it was freezing cold. Our shirts were wet and the winds were freaking strong. I think now I'm able to control my body more both physically and mentally. At about 2 am in the morning, we took our kayaks and rowed back to the campsite. It was killer. The sea current was against us. Not knowing that, me and my friend took short breaks in between our rowing. After a while, I looked on my right and saw the fire that we lit up meaning that we haven't moved a bit. It was quite annoying. Finally, we manage to go against the current and the wind and arrived at the campsite at about 3 am in the morning. Feeling really tired, we bathed, changed and slept by about 3.30 am.
Day 2 started at about 9 in the morning. After breakfast, we went swimming in the sea. It was basically just swimming up and down along the coast. Felt so hungry after that. Next, we had fun. We got onto a fishing trawler and instead of using the net to catch fishes, it was laid out and we could jump into the net from the roof of the boat. We had dinner when we came back. We played with fireworks after that. Launched quite a few of it. Everyone was made to launch 1 and for mine, i tied a note to it which contained my aspirations. Hopefully, it will take it to the sky. Day 3 came and it was basically the leisure day of the camp. Didn't do much. Just swimming and having fun. Came home today and that's about it.
Day 2 started at about 9 in the morning. After breakfast, we went swimming in the sea. It was basically just swimming up and down along the coast. Felt so hungry after that. Next, we had fun. We got onto a fishing trawler and instead of using the net to catch fishes, it was laid out and we could jump into the net from the roof of the boat. We had dinner when we came back. We played with fireworks after that. Launched quite a few of it. Everyone was made to launch 1 and for mine, i tied a note to it which contained my aspirations. Hopefully, it will take it to the sky. Day 3 came and it was basically the leisure day of the camp. Didn't do much. Just swimming and having fun. Came home today and that's about it.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
im going off
Okay guys, i'm going off for my training camp. Hopefully i come back stronger. I'll be back on thursday. In case of an emergency, i can be contacted by phone. So, yeah,
Friday, 16 November 2007
Firstly, welcome back everyone who came back from yltc/obs. Training had been really fun when you guys were away. Hopefully it will stay that way. No offence though. Anyway, after training today, I went to the CAGE at kallang to play soccer with the old timers. The place was really nice. When i got there, my friends was already playing. It felt really nice to run and play there. Met all my best sec school friends. haha. We played like how we did in sec sch. So fun. After that, we dropped by KFC for dinner. We went to the one which gives free flow of drinks. Shiok! We talk rubbish for quite some time. Basically just catching up with the old times. It really felt good to be hanging out with them. Next, we went to mac's to eat again. hahaha. Again we just waste our time away by talking and laughing. Basically, today was a day spent on friends, close friends. And I guess that people like them don't come by everyday. So yeah, thanks guys.
Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Nj 4
Okay people. Let me update you on the Nj 4. It consist of Aiman, Jared, Tim and Weishun. We look out for each other and also ensure that we don't cause anymore troubles for the captains. As of now, Jared is the team's captain. Haha. So yea. During training we try out new stuff. Recently, we tried rowing in the Diamond formation. Its a good way to train and also work on our teamwork. Today, we tried the french fry formation. Its basically rowing in a straight line one after the other following each others stroke rate and also stroke. It is also useful as we can see the effectiveness of our stroke relative to the other 3. Haha. It may look abit funny but i guess its a good way to make training fun and useful rather then rowing lifelessly around the not-so-big bay area. We have also decided to lower the intake of unhealthy food such as fast food and our beloved prata. After today's lousy performance, we realised that diet before and after training is important. And also, since we train when the sun is above our heads, i have decided to make it a point to wear a cap during training. I don't mind getting darker though. Haha. Don't know what the others think. Well, hope to see you soon.
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Not that im bored
Today is not that bad. Study, train, sleep. What else is new?
Damn, I really have no life and it sucks. Tests coming up, competition coming up.
The future seems really promising. -_-'
Oh, and i miss you.
Damn, I really have no life and it sucks. Tests coming up, competition coming up.
The future seems really promising. -_-'
Oh, and i miss you.
Monday, 5 November 2007
Give me a break
Finally had a day off. Somehow i feel that its a good day. No training, just pure peace and relaxation. Started the day in school with Jar. Studied till about 10 before taking a break for 3 hours. Had lunch and went home. The good thing about today is that i finally spent some quality time with my family. We went out for dinner. Good food. Talked to my dad about other things non-dragonboat/canoeing stuffs. Holiday plans coming up. hahah. Its been years since we went for a holiday. My dad's going to cambodia soon but before that he's going to help me with my rowing. I have to improve.
Like everyone else, i too have something to prove in life.
Like everyone else, i too have something to prove in life.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Enough please
Its been a really bad day. Shan't talk about it just in case I hurt some people's feelings. This is stupid. Why am i doing this? Arghhh. It just wont work. Im in a team of brainwashed people who cant seem to be flexible about anything. Just because I do things differently doesn't mean I'm going against the team. If being in this team means sacrificing my freedom then count me out. I do things my way. So what if you appear to care? I don't really bother much. Since i'm the burden of the team and all you big shots are running everything then wouldn't it be better if i'm not in the team. I'm only slowing you all down right? I'm of no use to a team like this right? Fine. Since i'm a dsa, i don't really have choice.
Monday, 29 October 2007
I'm Back
haha. It's been a really long time since i posted. Too busy i guess. Anyway, I've been watching quite alot of anime these days. I like bleach, naruto, claymore, one piece and d.grayman. How's my promos some may ask. Well, lets just say im here to stay in nj. haha. Oh well, life goes on. Ate fish and co the other day, DAmn nice!!! Fish with cheese in it. Woohoo! haha. Edu bought some h k thing for xt. Aww! He's a growing boy. hahaha. Life been pretty dull these days. After today's mt paper, im free for mt for now. Pw on thursday. Woohoo? I got no script. hahah. Oh well, lets just go with the flow. Ok. Pictures next time. haha.
Monday, 22 October 2007
To the east
Master series, nj lost by quite abit to mcsc. But!, i guess it was ok considering the fact that our boat consisted of only j1's. In terms of timing, its not too shabby either but mcsc did quite a gay timing. After the race, we got lectured by capt. little boss. It was really long!!! at least 10 mins i swear. haha. After that, we headed down to the east to recce the site for our trg camp. Instead of recce-ing, we ended up playing by the beach. It was fun even though it was for a short while. We skipped stones, Nina collect seaweeds dont know for what and delle was saying,"I'll help you harvest". -_-' Edmund, being himself, decided not to get his nice shoes wet and wei shun was really bored. Me and loke skipped stones dunno how many times. haha. Took some photos too. After that, we realised that it was already 7+pm. So, we headed back to whitesand to take a bus home. For some weird reason, the people staying in the west decided to take 88 with me which brought them to bishan in like, 45mins? After we alighted, i was less thn 5 mins from home whereas they were like 45mins to 1 hr away frm home. hahaha. too bad guys. And now im safely at home.
From whatever that occured today, i conclude that today's attempt to recce was a failure to a certain extent.
From whatever that occured today, i conclude that today's attempt to recce was a failure to a certain extent.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Die and die again
Its been awhile since I've updated my blog. Well, firstly, I would like to thank everyone for making my day on my birthday. ^^ Anyway, we had our last paper on monday, Can't say it was easy but still, i think i can pass. After that, i went to play basketball with my classmates in school. WOOOO!! It had been a long time since i played any ball games. haha. I almost forgot that i was fasting. haha. After that, i realised i had about 4 hrs more before i could break my fast. It was crazy. I lied at the grandstand for awhile feeling completely exhausted from all the running around. In the end, i made it till its time to break fast. haha. On tuesday was worst. After the morning training, i went to east coast to cycle for 2 hours with some canoeist. I had so much fun that i forgot again. In the end it was only 1 pm which means i had to endure for 5 more hours before i could get any drink. In order to pass time faster, we went to town and played pool there. I played till about 6 before making my way home. I must say that it wasn't easy but i made it. haha. The next day, i had morning and afternoon training. After enduring worst conditions on monday and tuesday, i realised that training during the fasting month isn't that hard. Although i was feeling hungry and thirsty and all, somehow i feel stronger and that i had loads of strength. Even after training, i didn't feel half-dead. In fact, i felt good. so yeah, wednesday and thursday was no difference from tuesday. Today, was the worst. After morning training, i played soccer and floorball the whole morning. By about 11, my body felt so dry. It was really tiring. In the end i decided to bath in my attire in order to cool down my body. Even so my body felt so weak. After playing all the games, i went to RJ open house with Muhammad. It was lame and boring. haha. But the campus is so much better thn NJ. NJ campus is so disgusting. haha. And thats about all for today kids, tune in for more of aiman's daily life reports.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
So it begins. Good luck to all for the final exam of the year. And good luck to me, I'll need it. Got to say that I'm not prepared for it. This year, so many things happened. I totally lag in my studies. I don't even know if I'm able to promote. I know a few people who are as slow as me and they're trying their best to meet the criteria to promote. Its sad for people like us. When others aim to excel, we aim to pass. Hopefully the effort that I've put in is enough to get me a decent pass in my subjects. Gp is already screwed i think. Cant afford to screw up the others. Econs on Wednesday, maths and geog on Thursday and physics on Monday an it will all be over. I really don't one to be the one getting retained. If I do then I'll have to spend another year in that yucky school. A school which has lousy food, lousy environment for people like me and I won't be able to graduate with my team mates. ROAR! I hate studying but Singapore is a place where you can't escape from education unless you plan to be poor which i don't plan to be. Someday, I'll make it... Somehow. It may not go smoothly and I may take a longer time then others to succeed but I won't stop until I'm there. Try and try and try and try. Its so tiring.
Sunday, 23 September 2007
Broken man by Boys like girls
I took one big step and I looked away
And then I thought of all the things that I wanted to say
I'm always too late
You never got your story straight
I'm always up late
I think I'm everything you hate
And then I thought of all the things that I wanted to say
I'm always too late
You never got your story straight
I'm always up late
I think I'm everything you hate
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Had dinner at aunty's place. Food was good. As usual, laughter filled the house when they start talking rubbish. My aunts and cousins talked as though they were of the same age, joking about everything. After about an hour of jokes, me and my cousins went to shop n save to get some ice cream. We ended up buying some french vanilla with tiramisu flavour ice cream. In addition, 3 packs of marshmallows were bought. I was so full from all the ice cream. Its good but i think i over ate it. Haha. My grandmother also got a new cat. Its so violent but cute. I love cats. =)
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Sunday, 16 September 2007
To-do list
Things to be done after promos:
01) Row
02) Climb
03) Play soccer
04) Run
05) Skate (Rollerblades and ice skate)
06) Cycle at night
07) Go for new balance real run
08) Clean study desk
09) Plan for Nov-Dec training prog.
10) Carry out as planned
All this we'll be carried out by Aiman after his promos.
If by any chance that he misses any of the things planned, he will have to make up for it when he has the time.
As Aidan would say, "Cheers man"
01) Row
02) Climb
03) Play soccer
04) Run
05) Skate (Rollerblades and ice skate)
06) Cycle at night
07) Go for new balance real run
08) Clean study desk
09) Plan for Nov-Dec training prog.
10) Carry out as planned
All this we'll be carried out by Aiman after his promos.
If by any chance that he misses any of the things planned, he will have to make up for it when he has the time.
As Aidan would say, "Cheers man"
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Empty apartment by Yellowcard
It's okay to be angry and never let go
It only gets harder the more that you know
When you get lonely if no one's around
You know that I'll catch you when you're falling down
We came together but you left alone
And I know how it feels to walk out on your own
Maybe someday I will see you again
And you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend
It only gets harder the more that you know
When you get lonely if no one's around
You know that I'll catch you when you're falling down
We came together but you left alone
And I know how it feels to walk out on your own
Maybe someday I will see you again
And you'll look me in my eyes and call me your friend
You should be studying
Im in no mood to take the exams. Its so near yet so far. I wish to get it done and over with so that i can do what i want again. Sept holidays spent in school from monday to friday from 8am to 5pm. Although its been productive, i still think that i should be enjoying my sept holidays. Oh well. Guess i have to wait till after promos to relax. Studying is really boring. Fasting month starts on the 13th i think. Woohoo!!! haha. I cant wait. The good thing is that i get to save money, i get to lose weight and i get to train. It also mean less eating time spent which i can use to study. I realised that eating will result in wasting of time. Hopefully everything will go as planned. If it does, I'll gain alot. If it doesn't then i 'll have to do more planning.
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Saturday, 1 September 2007
For them
Zhikai, My partner and rival
Franklin, My teacher and student
Ivan, Inspiring ironman
Thang, Qm and rebel buddy
Junhan, Small but strong (mind and heart)
Yingjie, Proof that hard work and right belief pays off
Xavier, Seriously funny
Victor, Inspiring genius
Wutian, Above average china brand rower
Suihang, Hongkong stallion
Huiming, Leader of the pack
Szemin, Discipline mistress of the pack
Florence, Wash chef
Meiqi, Spunky bubble
Deniece, Fighter at heart
Belinda, Pint-sized product packs powerful punch
Victoria, Super strong with super big heart
Bernie, Eat study eat train eat sleep
Suling, My angel and friend
Cheryl, Sensitive advisor
Sokjoo, One who keeps on going no matter what
Sabu, Multi talented student athlete
Jasmine, Never fails to smile
Charmaine, Thanks for sharing your paddle
Corrine, Friendly but quiet
Sijing, Commitment through actions
To all my seniors, im going to really miss all of you when you leave NJ. For some reason, i've really learnt alot from you guys. Observing how all of you face challenges together, being there for one another and being there for me. I cherish all the times spent with all of you. Next year won't be the same without the senior batch.
NJ Canoeing 06 Batch- A bunch of individuals who worked together to achieve great heights together. Well done
For the better or the worse
I want to row for as long as i can. I want to see how far i can mature in this sport. I want to see who i can beat and how will i beat. Will the people who are rowing now still be rowing 5 to 6 years down the road? Will team singapore ever win in the sea games or other international races? Or are we just not meant to be canoeist. Whatever it is, i'm gonna give it a shot and see. I wont know till i try. Swing high, swing low.
Friday, 31 August 2007
Happy teachers day
Came to nj in the morning to get my attendance marked and off i went to eat breakfast with the guys at adam road. Following that, i rushed back to Ftp just to make it on time to meet up with all ex-4E2 students. Too bad Seow bugger wast in school. Saw the other teachers though. Mdm Choo, Mdm Rozainah, Ms Kavitha, Mrs Siva, Mr Loh, Mr Kong, Mr Raj, Mr Logan and many others. Its really cool to be walking in the staff room and witnessing the teachers making a pledge to keep on striving to develop the students as much as possible. I wonder how much of a problem had i been to them. haha. Met up with Benjee and company, Mitch and the climbers. Its always fun to be around people like them. I feel so free and happy, like there's nothing to worry about. But now, time to get back on track and continue revising for promos which falls about 3 weeks from now. haha. To all teachers, thank you!!!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
Time constraints
So much to crack, so little time. Studies have been improving i think but im still way off from being prepared for promos. No more training till after promos. Damn im really fat now. Time to burn them away. My strength have been going downhill since national schools. -_-" To think that i have to slowly train myself back up again. School have been really dull. Its all studies now. Better make sure its worth it if not i'll be suffering for another year in nj. Feel like running away from all this and just live a carefree life. haha. But thats just a dream, for NOW. The environment doesn't suit me very well. Teachers day celebration this friday! Woohoo. I'll get to see all my classmates and teachers back in FTP. Cant wait. Its been 8 months since i saw them. I miss those times.
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
A to Z
Aiman (Authentic)
Bee Him (Bratty)
Clayton (Cool), Calvin (Chicken run)
Delle (Deep)
Edmund (Eerie)
Fang Xiu Yi Theodora (Freaky)
Gerald (Genuine), Geraldine (Genius), Gillian (Greedy)
Her Chyuan Sheng (Hunky)
Justin (Jovial), Jared (Junky), Jiamin (Jolly)
Khor Kai Jian Desmond (Kind)
Lam Pei Xin (Lunatic), Lam Ai Ting Maxine (Loving)
Matthew (Muscular)
Natalie (Nonsensical), Nina (Nice)
Ong Heng Yang Joseph (Obiang)
Poon Jie Bryan (Porny)
Qin Rui (Queer)
Rebecca (Rascal)
Sylvia (Strong), Soon Chun Mun (Smart), Shiwei (Siao), Sui Ping (Superb), Samirah (Skeptical)
Timothy (Toot), Teo Chee Wee (Tamaguchi), Tiffany (Tacky)
Wilona (Wastrel), Weishun (Wimpy)
Xiao Ting (Xenophobic)
Yeow Bok Guan (Yahoo!)
Zile (Zesty)
*Sorry if i offended anyone.
Bee Him (Bratty)
Clayton (Cool), Calvin (Chicken run)
Delle (Deep)
Edmund (Eerie)
Fang Xiu Yi Theodora (Freaky)
Gerald (Genuine), Geraldine (Genius), Gillian (Greedy)
Her Chyuan Sheng (Hunky)
Justin (Jovial), Jared (Junky), Jiamin (Jolly)
Khor Kai Jian Desmond (Kind)
Lam Pei Xin (Lunatic), Lam Ai Ting Maxine (Loving)
Matthew (Muscular)
Natalie (Nonsensical), Nina (Nice)
Ong Heng Yang Joseph (Obiang)
Poon Jie Bryan (Porny)
Qin Rui (Queer)
Rebecca (Rascal)
Sylvia (Strong), Soon Chun Mun (Smart), Shiwei (Siao), Sui Ping (Superb), Samirah (Skeptical)
Timothy (Toot), Teo Chee Wee (Tamaguchi), Tiffany (Tacky)
Wilona (Wastrel), Weishun (Wimpy)
Xiao Ting (Xenophobic)
Yeow Bok Guan (Yahoo!)
Zile (Zesty)
*Sorry if i offended anyone.
Monday, 20 August 2007
Rise and proceed
Lost again. Why do i keep losing? Cos im not good enough. Simple as that. Cant seem to be able to reach my goals yet. In fact, i think im moving backwords. Damn, this sucks. Maths test tomorrow. Econs test on thursday. Physics test i forget when. No turning back. Make or break.
"When i'm out in the lime light, I make sure i shine bright" I hope
"When i'm out in the lime light, I make sure i shine bright" I hope
What the peng?
I don’t know who to trust no surprise
(Everyone feels so far away from me)
Heavy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
(Trying not to break but I’m so tired of this deceit)
(Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet)
(All I ever think about is this)
(All the tiring time between)
(And how trying to put my trust in you just takes so much out of me)
From the inside by Linkin Park
(Everyone feels so far away from me)
Heavy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
(Trying not to break but I’m so tired of this deceit)
(Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet)
(All I ever think about is this)
(All the tiring time between)
(And how trying to put my trust in you just takes so much out of me)
From the inside by Linkin Park
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Master series (3)
Today was the the third race for the master series. Who would have thought that we would get disqualified? haha. Oh well. Anyway, Mountbatten got first again. This means that they got 2 first and 1 second and since master series is best 4 out of 5, we have to win the next 2 races. Possible? The 4th race will be in october and last in december. Our promos ends in october. haha. After promos must train our asses off to make sure that we win. Hopefully by then we would be ready cos i think now, even if we did proceed to finals, we'll probably get thrashed. haha. GO! GO! GO!
Till the next race.
Till the next race.
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Held back again
Again im not allowed to train till the next master series which is on a sunday. Anyway, did CIP today. We had to sell teddy bears for $3. haha. I went to VIVO with hengyang and edu to sell it there. Hengyang manage to sell all 5 bears whereas me and edu only sold 1 each. hahaha. I think the view at Vivo is really nice. Especially the one facing sentosa. After trying to sell the stuffs, we went for lunch at harbourfront food center where the food is simply cheap and nice. Went back to city hall after that to return the leftovers. It was rather tiring to go around selling stuff especially when it is out in the heat. The frustration of getting turned down by the public. Anyway, today we saw someone with piercing all over his face. How cool is that? haha. I wonder why people would do this kinda things to themselves. One's face is nice as it is and i dont think it needs to be pierced to look better. Guess they dont appreciate what they have. O0ookkkaaayyy. Time for work.
Saturday, 11 August 2007
2 days at KAP. I think its a really good place to study but im kinda sick of macs. Today i had 3 apple pies and yesterday i had a mc spicy meal. Soccer league today was okay i guess. Kids are so violent and vulgar nowadays. Whatever happen to cute and innocent kids?
haha. Anyway, after soccer league, i went back to toa payoh for lunch with jared, weishun, edmund, gerald, sylvia, delle and xiao ting. Food is also getting more and more expensive. haha. A plate of rice with some meat and veggie can be as expensive as a meal at a fast food restaurant. why does sea coconut not taste like a coconut? haha. The kind of intelligent question they asked. CIP tomorrow at orchard. haha. do come down to donate. We will be selling stuffs for charity. Im going to have to sacrifice my study time for cip tomorrow cos its a whole day thingy. I WANT TO ROW AGAIN. The last time i rowed was on wednesday. Today edmund used my boat and hit a drifting tree branch. haha. Please look out for traffic. Especially drifting branches. hahah. Oscillations is quite a manageable topic i guess. Tomorrow i have to complete my econs assignments before the cip thingy. Damn my holidays are boring. I WANT TO GO BACK TO FTP!
haha. Anyway, after soccer league, i went back to toa payoh for lunch with jared, weishun, edmund, gerald, sylvia, delle and xiao ting. Food is also getting more and more expensive. haha. A plate of rice with some meat and veggie can be as expensive as a meal at a fast food restaurant. why does sea coconut not taste like a coconut? haha. The kind of intelligent question they asked. CIP tomorrow at orchard. haha. do come down to donate. We will be selling stuffs for charity. Im going to have to sacrifice my study time for cip tomorrow cos its a whole day thingy. I WANT TO ROW AGAIN. The last time i rowed was on wednesday. Today edmund used my boat and hit a drifting tree branch. haha. Please look out for traffic. Especially drifting branches. hahah. Oscillations is quite a manageable topic i guess. Tomorrow i have to complete my econs assignments before the cip thingy. Damn my holidays are boring. I WANT TO GO BACK TO FTP!
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Happy birthday singapore
Hello Singaporeans!
haha. Its the nation's birthday. WOOHOO. Peace to all. Peace to econs geog maths and phy assignments.
haha. Its the nation's birthday. WOOHOO. Peace to all. Peace to econs geog maths and phy assignments.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
Independent traning
Time to do self training since i can't row for awhile. Build up strength and power. Once i return after my promos, I'll be faster and stronger. I'll try my best not to lag behind you guys when i come back. I realised that size does matter and that proper building up of strength is important. Water training alone is not enough. I'm already at a disadvantage because of my height but i can make it up with strength. As for technique, I'll focus my 2 water trainings on it. At the same time, I'll try to learn something new throughout this study break. Goals have been set and i plan to reach it by November. Although I am not sure on whether it will work, I'll give it a shot. Its rather intensive but is possible. I'm just gonna stick to it for now and make necessary changes if needed. I seriously got a lot of catching up to do both in canoeing and in studies. All i have to do is pass my promos with not-so-lousy grades. haha. Then i'd be able to give a 100% for my training till next year January. Plan for the future. And stick to it.
Friday, 3 August 2007
Good game
I want to row again and i want to row consistently. Seeing the scf rowers today made me realise how slow i am as compared to them and yet i am not training when im suppose to be. I wish i am a genius then i could train and still be smart. I want to be stronger, bigger and faster. I just want to improve myself. Im way too far behind the BEST. If only i could go join scf. Bet i'll improve much faster there. Next year maybe? I don't mind rowing everyday because i love to row. Being in nj, i hate it alot. Am i being held back from training because my of my lousy academic results? To me its very simple, i want to row and i want to enjoy rowing. Please don't make me hate canoeing just because i have to follow what others think is right. I know i've been quite rebellious at times but i guess sometimes i just cannot agree with what you think is right. Im going to fight not only in canoeing but also in studies. Please let me join scf after my promos. There are some things which i need to prove to myself for now.
Wednesday, 1 August 2007
Slack phase
Trainings have really been stepped down. Haha. Once a week feels so easy. Sprint programme now which i think is quite redundant. Damn i feel so slow. Im doing 1.31 for 400m. -_- Still far from my goal. Next year don't know what event i'm taking. I hope its a K1 event. haha. No more land trainings as im considered the not-so-smart people who needs to study more. Essays sucks to the core. Its worst than maths. Gp, econs, geog and malay. I'm screwed. haha. Oh well, time to do it. haha. Till next time.
Sunday, 29 July 2007
I was reading an article on the dead sea and i found it really interesting. How it came about is a real mystery. Geologically, it can be explained. But religion brings it own story on how the dead sea came about. So if you're free, go search it up. Anyway, today we did the 10km run for cip followed by a dragonboat race. Although we did not perform as expected, i guess its ok. After that, me, weishun, timothy and clayton went for lunch at plaza singapura. i really need to catch up on studies. other than that there was nothing much today. haha. thats all folks
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Dark blue
I have (I have) you breathing down my neck (breathing down my neck)
I don't (don't know) what you could possibly expect under this condition so
I'll wait (I'll wait) for the ambulance to come (ambulance to come)
Pick us up off the floor
What did you possibly expect under this condition so
Slow down.. this night's a perfect shade of
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning down
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning 'til there's nothing but dark blue..
Just dark blue
This flood (this flood) is slowly rising up swallowing the ground
Beneath my feet, Tell me how anybody thinks under this condition so
I'll swim (I'll swim) as the water rises up, the sun is sinking down
And now all I can see are the planets in a row
Suggesting it's best that I slow down
This night's a perfect shade of
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning (burning) down
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning dark blue
We were boxing
We were boxing the stars
We were boxing (we were boxing)
You were swinging for Mars
And then the water reached the West Coast
And took the power lines (the power lines)
And it was me and you (this could last forever)
And the whole town under water
There was nothing we could do
It was dark blue
Dark blue (dark blue)
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the world could be burning (burning) down
Dark blue
Have you ever been alone in a crowded room well I'm here with you
I said the room could be burning now there's nothing but dark blue
If you've ever been alone in the dark blue
If you've ever been alone you'll know (you'll know)
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Im left in the wake of the mistake
Today i had so many free periods. Training wasn't that bad. People have improved so quickly. Mileage phase is the best time for me to work on endurance. Whats done is done, you just leave it alone and don't regret it. This is something i've learnt from this pass few days. I cant turn back time to change the present. All i can do is carry on and try not to make the same mistake in the future. Losing my stuff, breaking promises, getting lousy results and also having a superstar attitude which i sometimes hate myself for it. This have to change. I cant let it happen again. One life, try to make it perfect. Promos in 2 months time and i got a lot to work on. No time for other stuff. I must do well for promos. I want to be a somebody and not a loser in life.
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
Pictures for NCC
Sunday, 22 July 2007
National canoeing championships
Well, K2 10000m got 2nd. -_-' Me and ZK did a lousy take off which caused us to fall back at the start. After the take off, we were 5th in place. Infront of us were 2 combined schools boat and 1 nus and 1 ntu boat. After the first 1km, we almost capped at the turn. Luckily i manage to push us back to balance. We were still way behind the 4 boats. After the 2nd turn, the ntu boat capped. This made us 4th in position. At the 4th km we caught up with one of the combined schools boat and the nus boat. The 3 of us rowed side by side, pushing the pace and trying to pull away first. After the 5th km, we manage to overtake the 2 boats which got us into 2nd position, but i realise that the nus boat was riding our wash. I started to get an idea about how they are conserving by riding our wash. From then, i tried many tricks to lose them such as squeezing them of with another boat but it was to no avail. At the 8th km, the combined school boat manage to catch up to us. I took this opportunity to slow down abit so that the nus boat would go ride the combined schools wash. When the nus boat finally left us, it was clear for me and zk to go. " ZK! Lets burst all the way now!" i commanded. From then we whacked the last km as hard as we can. Before they knew it, we pulled away from the pack and manage to finish at 2nd place. It was a very good experience. It was raining for awhile during that 10km and while it was raining, i told zk that we will take this chance to recover before our final burst. It was damn WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO! haha. Im never ever gonna understand rowing a k2 or a k4. FOREVER K1.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Selfish? I think not
Today's post is going to be about today's screwed up training. It started of well. After the 500m mark, one pair of k2 girls capped so i had to rescue them cause there were no t boats around. But thats not the problem. After rescueing them, i carried on with the other k1 guys. Then i realised that calvin couldn't keep up and that he was causing the k1 guys to go slow. So i decided to take him and let the other guys push the pace. I rowed with him for sometime until he capped. Again i had to do the rescueing. After rescueing, i continued with him until zhi kai came and took him for a short training in an apache. I went back to the guys. This time, i realise Edmund was lagging so i decided to take him and let the faster boats push the pace. So i took him for a few minutes until i decided to let bryan take him so that i can train. When i joined the pack, i realised QR was lagging. But this time i didnt take him. Instead, i insisted on pushing the pace. The fact that i was using a tiger and he was using a raptor really gets me mad when he's lagging. In addition, he does so much more training then me. He's not doing justice to himself. Its either that or he's training are all fake. I dont mean to shoot you or anything. Anyway, after training, boss called for pack up but instead of following his orders, i decided to train with zk for a mere 15mins? I wanted to make up for all the rescueing and the taking of slower boats during training. Its not that im trying to be a rebel or anything. And zk is only training today. If i dont row with him then i'll be racing with no k2 experience. How unfair is that? To make it worst, during debrief, it was fricking obvious that you were talking about me. The both of you. Just to let you know that im not angry with the fact that you were shooting me throughout the debrief but im angry because you didnt consider how much time i wasted during the rescueing and pacing. Is taking 15mins more wrong? Cant the team function without a qm to monitor the keeping of boats? If you dont like what i do then say it clearly. Use my name. DONT go and say " some of you here ". Refering to me then just say it clearly. Some people just have a F***ed up attitude which i cant stand at times. Its really sad to see you act that way.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
(-_-') so lamb
Today started of with a screw up. Shan't talk about it. Mr lum hates me. In fact, all my teachers hates me i think. All because im not a genius and that im a little bit lazy. Maths remedial every thursday double periods. WWOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!! Im gonna die. Malay lesson is the best lesson of the day, because, my teacher was absent. Ended up having double free period. Sat at canteen with the guys till about 4.30. Following that was malay listening compre. Easy? I think so. After comparing answers after the paper, i realise i only got 1 mistake. Tmr racial harmony day = no lessons so trg will be early. WWWWWWWOOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOO! NCC must at least get top 3. haha. Oh! and guess whats the colour of water. hahah. The answer is water colour. haha. Cant believe i fell for that. hahah. Oh well. Life goes on.
Monday, 16 July 2007
More photos from nationals
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Let's kick it up
Preparations for next year nationals begin today. After a talk by my coach, i realized there are alot of things that i need to improve and that if i work on my weakness, i can cut down my timing by at least 5 sec. I know that my best is yet to be reached. If people like sam lim and zi qiang can do it then i dont see why i can't. I need to be fast before i reach ns. I want to see how much i can mature in this sport. Having only about 3/2 years of training, im already at a disadvantage as compared to the other rowers who have at least 4 years in canoeing. There are many people to beat and many others who want to beat me. No more playing. Training have to be intense and not wasted. Like i said, many things can be improved on and i better start working on them. Shortly after learning about this sport, i've learnt to love it. Some people say im talented or im damn good at canoeing but all i can say is that i really love canoeing. And i believe that as long as i love doing what i do, i can improve quickly. Last year, my coach told me that no matter how long you train, there will be a point of time where the rate of improvement will be constantly low. Some canoeist may even take a year to shave off that 1 or 2 sec from their personal best. The thing is, i don't think i've hit that limit yet. I couldn't have, its too early. I want to see myself be one of the best in this sport. Next year, i dont want to be seen as a no-threat to the other rowers. As long as im in the competition, no one is going to win easily. Every step i take will bring me closer to my goal.
Saturday, 14 July 2007
It ends here... for now
Its the end of nationals. For some it may be the last race, for others it is just another race. The joy of winning and the pain of losing. Why are people happy when they win? Is it because they manage to get a medal? is it because they have beaten others? is it because they have something to be proud about? And why are people sad when they lose? Is it because they regret not giving their best? is it because they couldn't get a medal? or is it simply because they feel that all their effort preparing for it have gone to waste? Only oneself will know the reason. But whatever the reason is, winning and losing is part of life and that everyday there
are races. Be it against time, or against others or against one self. Its there. Im happy that i got 3rd at the same time sad that im not good enough to be the best. All the trainings are still not enough. If i get to join scf then may be i can shave off a few more seconds of my personal best. Lets not forget my studies which is really bad. I really need to focus more on studies for now. I'm not going to retain and waste my time in nj. Next year nationals will be really tough. They'll be more strong rowers who i am really looking forward to race with. The heats could be the finals for me but i'll try to prevent that as far as possible. Next race NCC. Hopefully i can take k2 10k with zhi kai. and any k1 event. haha. Races coming up will be NCC and the Master series. Promos in 9 weeks i think. WOoooooHOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo! im so dead if i dont start studying.
are races. Be it against time, or against others or against one self. Its there. Im happy that i got 3rd at the same time sad that im not good enough to be the best. All the trainings are still not enough. If i get to join scf then may be i can shave off a few more seconds of my personal best. Lets not forget my studies which is really bad. I really need to focus more on studies for now. I'm not going to retain and waste my time in nj. Next year nationals will be really tough. They'll be more strong rowers who i am really looking forward to race with. The heats could be the finals for me but i'll try to prevent that as far as possible. Next race NCC. Hopefully i can take k2 10k with zhi kai. and any k1 event. haha. Races coming up will be NCC and the Master series. Promos in 9 weeks i think. WOoooooHOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo! im so dead if i dont start studying.
Friday, 13 July 2007
Today the whole canoeing team went to changi airport to send Mr Yong off. He has finally left for his death valley run which i think is really cool. Its like being a superhuman being able to move for 217km at 50 degrees temperature. Before he left, he told us his purpose for doing such a thing and i realised that being unselfish is really something. Alot of times in our lives have we done unselfish things unconsciously which i think we should sit back and reflect on our own character towards others. He didn't have to go to such extremes to show others the true meaning of unselfishness but he went on with it, sacrificing his time and effort and also risking he's very life during the challenge. Now that's a really significant C.I.P. yea.
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Today was the finals and my prediction was right. Lucas 1st, Boon Gan 2nd, Aiman 3rd. It was a good race and i really respect them. Though it was close, a defeat is a defeat and i cant deny that they are better then me. Well, Nj did win the title for both A div guys and girls and B div girls so i guess its good enough. NCC is next which i plan to race it for fun ( as usual ). K1 1000m is really fun. Hope i get it again next year. Grats to those who made it into combined schools which i think is the coolest thing. I was that close to making it in. Some pics to end this post with:

Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Final round
These 2 days have been fun while it lasted. Getting 1st in heats and semis is nothing to be happy about cos people may be conserving. Tried a new race plan today and it felt great. Hopefully tomorrow it will work. It will not be easy as im going against the giants of k1 1000m. Vasin is really creepy. Wonder if he has been hiding his power all this time. No more holding back. Im going to blast from the start till the end. I cant afford to let down the team and im not going to let all my 'hard' training go to waste. haha. So if anyone who's going against me tomorrow, pls dont expect to beat me without breaking a sweat. It will be fun tomorrow. Getting a medal may be easy but its the colour of it that matter and it will be determined by the desire in any of us. Currently we have equal number of boats in the finals as hci so i guess its all or nothing. 1 screw up and we're dead. To all njc canoeist, my race tomorrow will be for you. I may not be able to ensure 1st position but all i can assure you is that all this 6 months of trg, im putting it in for tmr's race. Every drop of blood, heart and soul, and im gonna go the distance tomorrow.
Nj whoosh!
Nj whoosh!
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Stage 2
Here we go, here we go again. Heats is done and semis is next. Heats was really slow today. Timing is sooo lousy. Im gonna get thrashed in the finals i think. Boon Gan, Vasin and Lucas are my main contenders. Finals wont be easy but it will be fun. Hope there's no black horse in the semis tmr. One screw up and im dead. No crossing of lanes, no false start and no capsizes. Today so many people got disqualified. Even experienced rowers. Bedok is really a tough place to race in. Its really tough to control directions and due to parallex error, one may just go off lane and not know it. Racing is not a game, but a battle to be the best. Anyone whose racing tmr, i strongly advice you to look up and stay alert when racing. Side wind is constant there so please be very careful. T1's especially. Stage one is over, Stage 2 is next and it wont be easy for me as i think im going against Vasin and Lucas. Oh well. I hope it will be fun. haha. Edmund, grats for making it to the semis. ahah. Lucky ass. Lets see if you make it to the finals. Finally, to those of you who did not make it, reflect and react to ensure that the next time you do make it.
Mistakes cannot be undone but it can be prevented from happening again.
Mistakes cannot be undone but it can be prevented from happening again.
Monday, 9 July 2007
Day before tomorrow
Tomorrow will be the start of the long awaited, most anticipated, exciting, heart pounding race ever. Its the nationals schools canoeing championship and guess what, I'm gonna race. -_-' Anyway, today we had a nice short, brief, easy, relaxing training which is 1/2hr of easy rowing. K1 tigers are only fun if the rudder is working properly. haha. Today, i was damn free. After morning training, which ended at about 8am, i sat in school till about 3.15pm before heading down to macritchie for training. I read a book, sleep, read again, went for lunch, and slept again till 3.15. What fun it was... Ate sushi for dinner courtesy of gill and bee. Thanks! Can't wait for nationals to end cos i can eat and eat and eat and eat and eat and eat till i drop. Harry potter is screening in the cinemas on the 12/07/07 which is the final day for nationals. How cool is that? Anyone interested in supporting the young canoeists of Singapore tomorrow? It will be at bedok reservoir from the 10th to the 12 of july. Finals will be on the 12. Admission is free.
Racing with the best will bring out the best in me.
Racing with the best will bring out the best in me.
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Weird community
Some people have really bad dressing sense. Unsightly facial piercings, dressings and even hairstyle. I'm telling you, its really weird. Hair colours from white to green to red and even purple. Piercings on eye lids, nostrils, tongue and even in between the eyes (upper nose section). And the way they dress, its amazing how they can come up with this kinda fashion. Guys wearing thick jackets, beanie, singlets and shorts. haha. Wonder what they're trying to do. Guess some people dress up to help them get a new identity or just to attract attention. Why cant they just dress up decently like just a shirt and a pair of jeans? Smokers are really inconsiderate bunch of people. Breathing out fumes from their mouth. Don't they know that smoking is a slow suicidal kind of thing. And by breathing out those yucky fumes, they're shortening the lives of those who breathes in those fumes. Anyway, bought a nice book today on lance armstrong. haha. My first book that i bought. Hopefully it can inspire me.
Sunday is the most boring day of the week. Simply because there is absolutely nothing fun to be done. Nationals in 2 days i think and im still slow. I can't even go below 4.10 for 1k. Too slow. My strokes are wrong, my race plan is screwed, my confidence is below average and, im not used to bedok's water condition. The wind there is really strong. haha. I really appreciate macritchie now.
Maths va and gp va to be done. I promise to do it after nationals. Common tests was a waste of time i think. haha. Good luck to all those who are competing in natls in the few days time. I'll need it alot. Gave my boat a good polish yesterday with some synthetic liquid wax. Cool eh? haha Hopefully it will be nice to me and help me win my race. haha. Training tomorrow. WOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!! haha. Gonna be fun cos we will all be using k1 tigers. Its been awhile. Lets play! After natls will be NCC ( National canoeing champs). Another race where i think i will have fun.
Maths va and gp va to be done. I promise to do it after nationals. Common tests was a waste of time i think. haha. Good luck to all those who are competing in natls in the few days time. I'll need it alot. Gave my boat a good polish yesterday with some synthetic liquid wax. Cool eh? haha Hopefully it will be nice to me and help me win my race. haha. Training tomorrow. WOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!! haha. Gonna be fun cos we will all be using k1 tigers. Its been awhile. Lets play! After natls will be NCC ( National canoeing champs). Another race where i think i will have fun.
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